Past Events

For recordings and presentations from past webinars, please click here.

Conversations on the Child Care Crisis
October 2020

The NC Early Education Coalition hosted two virtual Conversations on the Child Care Crisis in October 2020. The conversations were designed to shed light on the current conditions across the child care landscape, the immediate needs of the child care community and the strategies needed to build a better child care system. These interactive conversations provided an opportunity for Coalition members and the broader early childhood community to share concerns and challenges, strategize with colleagues and partners, and provide input about the early education policies that should be top priorities in 2021 and beyond. Click here to read our summary and recommendations from this event.

Strolling Thunder: A Think Babies™ NC Advocacy Day
September 3, 2020

On September 3, 2020, parents, babies, child care providers, and advocates from across North Carolina gathered for a virtual Strolling Thunder rally to #ThinkBabiesNC! The event featured inspiring speakers, information about policies that can make a difference for babies, and tips for being an effective advocate, mixed with fun activities for parents and their children. Check out the YouTube playlist above to watch all of the Strolling Thunder videos, including the full rally,

Tuesdays for Tots
Tuesdays in April, May and June 2020

Our 2020 Tuesdays for Tots campaign took place weekly during the months of April, May and June, featuring webinars, advocacy training, Twitter storms, and tons of resources. We loved spending Tuesdays with you as we all worked together to navigate the COVID-19 crisis and do everything we can to support young children, their families, and their educators.

All of our Tuesdays for Tots webinars and other materials can be found at the link below, so please keep using these resources to help you be a big voice for babies!

Click here to find all of the 2020 Tuesdays for Tots resources.


Think Babies™ Think Tank and Celebration
Monday, February 24, 2020, Raleigh, NC

Parents, child care providers, early educators, service providers, professionals working in child health, family support or early education, and advocates came together in Raleigh on February 24, 2020 to give their input on key strategies to help babies and their families thrive. The event included included a keynote address by Dr. Emily Hannon, a pediatrician in Wake County; a parent panel featuring three moms who shared their personal stories and experiences; and critical conversation workgroups focused on child health, family support, and early education to identify key strategies to improve outcomes for babies and their families.

The Think Babies™ NC Alliance also presented the 2020 Outstanding Baby Advocate Awards at the event. The Awards recognized eight policymakers, statewide organizations, and community champions for their efforts to increase public awareness or promote programs and policies to make a difference for North Carolina’s youngest children, age 0-3, and their families.

Click here to learn more about the Outstanding Baby Advocate Awards.


Strolling Thunder: A Think Babies™ NC Advocacy Day
April 9, 2019, Raleigh, NC

Babies, parents, early educators, and other early childhood advocates came to Raleigh on April 9, 2019 to call attention to what babies and families in North Carolina need to thrive. This event was co-sponsored by our partners at MomsRising and the NC Association for the Education of Young Children (NCAEYC) and took place during the national Week of the Young Child. Attendees met policymakers, enjoyed family-friendly activities and story time with legislators, and had an opportunity to share their stories and make their voices heard for children and families in our state.

Click here to read an article in EdNC about this event.

Click here for a photo album from this event.


North Carolina Early Childhood Summit
February 27, 2019, Raleigh, NC

Click here to see UNC-TV videos from the event.

Click here for a handout on the NC Early Childhood Action Plan.

Click here to read more about this event.


Think Babies™ NC Legislative Briefing and Breakfast
February 27, 2019, Raleigh, NC

Click here for the presentation from Dr. Jack Shonkoff, Director, Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University.

Click here for the agenda and list of speakers.


Strolling Thunder™ 2018
June 7, 2018, Raleigh, NC

Click here to see the ABC 11 News story about this event. 

Click here to watch our video about the event on Facebook.

Click here for a photo album from this event.​


Building Strong Foundations for Babies
April 4, 2018, Raleigh, NC

Click here to download a pdf of the presentations and handouts. 

Click here for the links to the recordings, including the keynote address and all powerpoint presentations.​​