NC Child Advocacy Tools and Tips
- Advocacy
This toolkit supports parents, providers, and child advocates in participating in policy and advocacy.
Child Care Subsidy Stability Literature Review
- Early Education
This literature review examines findings on subsidy stability for children and families.
OPINION: We don’t start high-quality early childhood programs soon enough, research shows
- Early Education
- Think Babies
This op-ed by Gerry Cobb, director of the Pritzker Children's Initiative, outlines the benefits of supporting children during their first three years.
Child Care for All: A Blueprint for States
- Early Education
This report offers bold recommendations for state child care reform.
North Carolina: Federal Support for Early Learning & Care Opportunities
- Early Education
This state fact sheet overviews state- and federally-funded early childhood programs in North Carolina.
Meeting the Promise of Paid Leave: Best Practices in State Paid Leave Implementation
- Family Support
- Think Babies
This report identifies challenges, best practices, and recommendations from state paid leave programs.
Paid Family and Medical Leave Must Be Comprehensive to Help Workers and Their Children
- Family Support
- Think Babies
This report from the Center for American Progress explains the need for comprehensive paid family and medical leave.
Partners In Learning Staff in Support of S212/H882
- Early Education
- Legislative
Partners In Learning in Salisbury, NC shared a video expressing their staff's support of S212/H882. The bill passed the House unanimously and it's now in conference committee.
Working Families are Spending Big Money on Child Care
- Early Education
- Think Babies
This report from the Center for American Progress details the difficulties families face in affording child care.
Checking In on the Child Care Landscape – 2019 State Fact Sheets
- Early Education
- Think Babies
- Workforce
The Missed Opportunity for North Carolina’s Youngest Children
- Early Education
- Legislative
- Think Babies
This report from the NC Justice Center's Budget & Tax Center details North Carolina's use of CCDBG funding and the missed opportunity for working families with young children.
The State of Child Care in America
- Advocacy
- Early Education
- Legislative
- Think Babies
This website (created by the Center for American Progress, Bipartisan Policy Center, Child Care Aware of America, First Five Years Fund, and NAEYC) provides information about the Child Care and Development Block Grant, including an overview of the program, state data on the unmet need for child care assistance and highlights of how states are using their CCDBG funds.
Blog: Counting All Children in the 2020 Census Would Benefit Poor Children
- Advocacy
- Family Support
- Think Babies
Want students to improve in school? NC report says focus on early childhood learning. (News & Observer)
- Early Education
- Legislative
- NC Pre-K
Press Release: Communities in NC receive funding to support young children and families
- Think Babies
Press Release: Communities in NC receive funding to support young children and families. NC Early Education Coalition announces eight recipients of mini-grants for community advocacy activities.
House and Senate Budget Comparisons
- Early Education
- Legislative
- NC Pre-K
- Think Babies
Read a comparison of the 2019 NC House and Senate Budgets.