The Child Care Crisis Disproportionately Affects Children With Disabilities
- Early Education
- Family Support
- Health
- Think Babies
Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five: 2020 Grant Summary
- Early Education
- Family Support
- Legislative
- Think Babies
Spotlight on the Safety Net Early Home Visiting to Improve Child and Family Well-Being (NC Medical Journal)
- Family Support
- Health
- Think Babies
Opportunities for States To Improve Infant Health Outcomes
- Family Support
- Health
- Think Babies
Think Babies™ NC Newsletter: December 2019
- Think Babies
Read the December 2019 edition of the Think Babies™ NC Newsletter.
Parenting Education Infographic
- Family Support
- Think Babies
This infographic details the need to expand parenting education programs for families with infants and toddlers. Part of the Think Babies™ NC policy agenda.
Parenting Education Fact Sheet
- Family Support
- Think Babies
This fact sheet details the need to expand parenting education programs for families with infants and toddlers. Part of the Think Babies™ NC policy agenda.
Why the grueling educational path was worth it for one early childhood teacher (EdNC)
- Early Education
- Think Babies
- Workforce
Profile of Infants and Toddlers in NC: Hunger, Poverty, Health, and the Federal Nutrition Programs
- Health
- Think Babies
Strengthening the Infant-Toddler Child Care Workforce: A Messaging Tip Sheet
- Advocacy
- Early Education
- Think Babies
- Workforce
The US and the High Price of Child Care: Social Media Toolkit
- Advocacy
- Early Education
- Think Babies
- Workforce
The US and the High Price of Child Care: An Examination of a Broken System
- Early Education
- Think Babies
- Workforce
Investing in Infant and Toddler Child Care to Strengthen Working Families
- Early Education
- Think Babies
Film to examine role of resilience in children (Morganton News Herald)
- Family Support
- Think Babies
Janet Singerman: Invest more in the early years of NC children (News & Observer)
- Early Education
- Family Support
- Health
- Legislative
- NC Pre-K
- Think Babies
NC Report: Use of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Funding Increase
- Early Education
- Legislative
- Think Babies
Early Head Start: An Essential Support for Pregnant Women, Infants, and Toddlers
- Family Support
- Think Babies
Child Care Affordability Is Out of Reach for Many Low-Income Hispanic Households
- Early Education
- Think Babies
The First 1,000 Days: The Case for Paid Leave in America
- Family Support
- Think Babies
This report presents the case for a comprehensive paid leave policy in the U.S.